
Hello, I am an user experience designer from Houston. I have graduated with a bachelor’s degree of Fine Art in Interactive Web Design, from the Art Institute of Houston.

About Me

I am Jordan Dodd

UI/UX Designer & Architect

I am passionate about user experience design and embrace theories of several disciplines such as User Research, Information Architecture, Interaction Design, Usability, Accessibility, Visual Design, Design Thinking, Web Analytics, and Product Design. My design philosophy that I follow is the KISS rule (less is more). I enjoy problem solving, creating positive user experiences, and developing interactions that span an entire user journey within a given product. While adhering to brand, design, and usability standards.


Visual Design


Product Design


Web Design

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My Services

UI/UX Design

Help the end user understand, ideate, validate, build, and operate professionally-designed, innovative, customer-centric and engaging digital experiences.

User Research & Analysist

Analysist of business requirements, market trends, and competitor reviews thorough user experience research.

Journey Mapping

Customer journey mapping that help brands navigate all facets of the digital experience.

Mobile First & Responsive Design

Designing for the smallest screen and working your way up.

User Testing & Usability

User-centered interaction design to evaluate a product by testing it on users.

Prototyping & Wireframing

Creating rapid conceptual wireframing and prototyping to present a high-level concept of information architecture and interaction designer experiences.

My Portfolio

All UX Graphic Design Photography Video



+1 (281) 851-6764



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